13/9 - that train has sailed today
För framtida nostalgistunder sparar jag detta facebook-protokoll. Man kan omöjligt veta vad som har ägt rum om man inte varit närvarande i vardagsrummet på 1/334a Bondi Road natten till den fjortonde september mellan 00-01. Good times.
Charlotte Suihko
I dont know what those girls are talking about
* Lorain Drennan boooyaaaakkaaashhhaaaaaalalallalalala
* Caroline Åkerstedt how are those brain cells working for you lorain?
* Lorain Drennan ik weet het niet meer!
* Lorain Drennan hapiness!!
* Charlotte Suihko Of course you dont understand Lorain, but we know about your condition so that's alright.
* Lorain Drennan im conditionless! forthin' slammin' hola hola
* Lorain Drennan "that train has sailed today" : charlotte, who's laughin now eh?!
* Charlotte Suihko You're overcompensation girl, you're gotta froth your brain even though its lacking in talent!
Well.. I sure aint' laughin! Aakerstedt is staying clear of the conversation I see.
* Caroline Åkerstedt Ive already chosen side Suihko! No need for hurtful words mate!!!!
* Caroline Åkerstedt Your ship has left the building
* Charlotte Suihko Obviously there's no reasoning with you, or the retard. I'm slapping the base
* Lorain Drennan retard wants to know what "slapinn' the base" means!
* Caroline Åkersetdt she just proved SHE is the retard by showing us what she meant
* Caroline Åkerstedt ...and Charlotte is out.
* Lorain Drennan apeshit has left the building slappin' da base